The U.S. is still under a big load of debt. 美国仍然承受着巨大的债务负担。
Bankruptcy of private entrepreneurs purges the system of a deadweight load of debt unsupported by productive assets. 私人企业家的破产为整个体系解除了生产资财所无法忍受的债务重担。
Plan a was to use cashflow from the print businesses to load that half of the company with debt, releasing a pot of equity for the entertainment side like a private equity deal carried out in public. 分拆方案a是让报纸业务部门以自身的现金流为支撑发债,同时将大块权益划给娱乐业务部门类似于在公开市场进行的一笔私募股权交易。
What you don't want to do with growing companies is put a load of debt on the company. 人们不愿意让成长型企业背负沉重债务。
Yields for Belgian debt have jumped, as investors fret about its load of debt and lack of leadership. 比利时法郎债券的利率也暴涨了,因为投资者对它的债务负担和领导层很担忧。
A few years later, they've got a load of debt& many of them with thousands of dollars in student loans and credit card bills. 短短几年后,他们便已经负债累累&许多人背着几千美元的学生贷款和信用卡消费账单。
Whoever you are, this plan is your chance to graduate ready for the new economy without a load of debt. 不管你是谁,我们的计划是让你可以在没有大量负债的情况下毕业,为新经济作好准备。
Lots of developing countries once fell in debt dilemmas because of heavy international load, to solve the problem of international debt, many methods have been used internationally. 许多发展中国家曾因沉重的国际债务负担而陷入困境,几十年来国际上采取了很多措施解决国际债务问题。